And so light shone upon the Dark Ages of Europe. 于是文明照亮了欧洲的黑暗时代。
Back in the dark ages, this might not have mattered so much, but in the modern, interconnected world, planning international meetings happens thousands and thousands of times daily. 如果回到黑暗时期,这可能不是那么重要,但在现代相互连结的世界,国际会议的安排每天都会发生几千次。
It's the reason we're not in the Dark Ages anymore. No matter your position of place in life, it is imperative to create opportunities for children so that we can grow up to blow you away. 因为,一浪更比一浪强,因为我们不再处于黑暗时代,不论您在实际生活中地位如何为孩子创造把你们拍在沙滩上的机会很重要。
It's the reason we're not in the Dark Ages anymore. 这就是我们不再处于黑暗时代的原因。
Augustus's mausoleum fell to ruins and thieves during the Dark Ages. 奥古斯都的陵墓在黑暗时代惨遭毁坏盗窃。
In history the Dark Ages are regarded as having begun somewhere about the tenth century. 历史上欧洲中世纪被认为是在第十世纪左右开始的。
Cutting emissions would push them from just above subsistence back, literally, to the dark ages. 削减排放会将他们从勉强维生的状态,推回至真正的黑暗时代。
Carolus renaissance is a significant period of culture in the Dark Ages of Europe. 加洛林文艺复兴是在中世纪欧洲黑暗时代出现的一个重要的历史文化现象。
The article suggests that these little electronic devices could bring the study of management out of the dark ages and do for it what the microscope did for the natural sciences a few centuries ago. 文章指出,这些小小的电子装置可以把管理学研究带出黑暗时代,它对管理学研究起到的作用,堪比几个世纪以前显微镜对自然科学的作用。
And you'll help take this country out of the dark ages. 你将帮助这国家脱离黑暗时代。
Technology has a better side also; but if you drop all modern technology, you will be falling into the dark ages, and it will be the greatest violence on the earth, preached by the man who thought that his philosophy was nonviolent. 科技也有更好的一面;但是如果你抛弃所有现代科技,你将会陷入黑暗时代,那将会导致地球上最大的暴力,而鼓吹者居然认为他的人生观是非暴力的。
Five years on from Dolly, the science of cloning is still stuck in the dark ages. 克隆羊多利出生五年了,克隆技术却一直见不到曙光。
Like the Athenians, the Visigoths also disappeared, but not before they had ushered in the period known as the Dark Ages. 同雅典人一样,西哥特人也消亡了,不过是在他们带来一个被称作黑暗时代的时期之后。
Don: ( Quietly to Sue) Rose and Herb are from the 2) Dark Ages! 唐:(对苏咬耳朵)柔丝和赫伯简直是黑暗时期的人!
The manuscripts of the dark ages are littered with accounts of miraculous happenings. 欧洲中世纪的手稿中满是有关奇迹的记载。
In the dark ages before broadband, I might have tried to tap into the collective wisdom on this scourge of modern life by asking family or neighbours. 在宽带出现之前的黑暗时代,我或许已经尝试向家人或邻居求助,利用集体智慧对付这一现代生活的灾难。
Why are the Middle Mges called the Dark Ages? 为什么会将中世纪称为黑暗时代?
During the dark ages, the German tribes regularly made raids on the latins. 中世纪初期,日耳曼人部落经常袭击拉丁人。
In these dark ages is no wonder that many men would turn to drink, and thus also no wonder that a wise man would have the foresight to build a Tavern to cash in on the merriment and misery. 在这个黑暗年代,理所当然会有诸多灵魂欲一醉方休,同样理所当然亦会有聪明头脑深怀远见开设酒馆,从人们欢乐和忧愁中赚取叮当作响的金币。
Mark your Lifeline to represent your personal Dark Ages. 绘出你的生命线代表出你的个人”黑暗时代“。
When were the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages? 什么时候是“愚昧黑暗时代”和“中世纪”?
Our understanding of the Emotional System today is still in the Dark Ages. 如今,我们对于情感系统的理解还处于黑暗时代。
When it comes to technology, some of these companies are still in the dark ages. 谈到技术,这些公司有的仍然处于愚昧黑暗时期。
You catch that, you're stuck in the dark ages. 你发现了那点,你就会被打回中古世纪。
Long considered one of the great civilizations of the Americas, the Maya built magnificent stone cities while Europe was still in the Dark Ages. 长时间被尊为美洲最伟大的文明之一的玛雅人,建立起数座华丽的石头城之时,欧洲还处在于黑暗的时代。
Back in the dark ages of my career, for example, when I used to write about beauty products for glossy magazines, I often carted my husband-to-be with me to spas in exotic Caribbean locales. 例如,回想起我职业生涯的黑暗时代,我曾为奢华杂志撰写过关于美容产品的文章,那时我常拽着未婚夫和我一起到异国的加勒比海泡温泉。
We see the dark ages as a time of brutality. 我们把黑暗时代视为野蛮残酷的年景。
Is you living in the dark ages or something? 你是中世纪长大的还是怎样?
While Europe was still in the midst of the Dark Ages, these amazing people were masters of mathematics. 当欧洲人还身处愚昧的黑暗时代之时,这些不可思议的人就已精通数学知识。
This benighted country; benighted ages of barbarism and superstition; the dark ages; a dark age in the history of education. 这个愚昧的国家;野蛮、迷信的愚昧时期;无知的年代;教育史上的无知时期。